First off, I LOVE TEACHING!!!!!! like so much guys!
Today was a really fun day! We were able to help the students correct their math tests so they could earn a few extra points on their overall grade. They also learned how to estimate numbers with decimals. After that Rachel and I were able to go play P.E. with the students and PLAY WITH THEM! We played dodge ball and split the team by evens and odds within the class, but the way they played it they game was nearly unending. However, still way fun. When we got back they did a pass in party where they turn in all of their week for the past week. After that I did an academic debate with the students, which went super well. The kids super enjoyed it. The best part of the day was my lesson with the kids. We had so much fun debating over whether or not there should be school uniforms and then they wrote an essay trying to persuade the principal why he should or should not have uniforms. I really wouldn't have changed anything about this day. It went over so well and smooth.
Overall, I think I did help the students a ton. I love helping them with math the most. They are very behind in math so when you can tell they are finally getting the subject it is way rewarding. I am sure you guys have had similar experiences during your time in field. This job is seriously one of the best jobs a person could ever have!
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