Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I'm sad to see it end!

The class I spent the last three weeks in was so great. I'm sad to leave because I really became invested in the students and I learned so much from the teacher! Each day was so enjoyable for me. The time just flew by. Most days I spent the mornings at the school so I got to see the kids as they came in for the day. The teacher has let me help a lot and I have loved that. She let me give them their spelling words for the spelling test. I went too slow, and they let me know! I think they thought I was underestimating them. But then when I corrected the tests, I think they could have used a little more time:). My last couple of lessons for my unit on Ancient were the art lessons. We made Roman mosaics, and the students wrote and performed skits about Roman religion. Of course, most played Gods in their skits. The students loved both projects and I took pictures for them to put in their Rome booklets that we compiled from all we did. I also did video with my phone of their skits so they could watch themselves. It was a lot of fun.

The students were really starting to trust me and talk to me by the time it was over and it made it even harder to say goodbye. They said they want me to come back and substitute, but I don't think our program schedule at UVU would work out for me to do that...although I would in a heart beat! When it came time to go today, they gave me a really sweet card they had all written little messages in and a few gave me hugs. It was awesome.

After this experience, I think my biggest issues are organization and class management. Keeping 30 students on task isn't easy! Even though they were interested, they still got too loud sometimes. And even doing one unit for one subject, I felt like I had stuff all over the place and was struggling to keep it organized and together. I need to figure out a better way or I know I will go crazy!

I really feel like I was able to connect to each student in the class (some more than others) but I think that is huge as a teacher. I really think they knew that I truly cared about them and I hope I can always accomplish that because, as we learned in Ed Psych, quality instruction and the teacher-student relationship are most important for student success.


  1. Robyn,
    I am so glad you enjoyed your time teaching too! I feel like I have trouble in trying to keep the chatter down in the lesson too. I feel like with time we will all be able to do well at keeping that chatter or "peanut gallery", as my teacher refers to it down to a minimum level. Like I said I am glad you loved your experience and I can't wait to hear more of your stories in class!

  2. Robyn,
    I am also so sad to have field end! I feel that I too have connected with the students and had a hard time saying "good-bye" today. That's cute that the students made you a card, I almost cried today as some students gave me heartwarming going away notes and hugs. - I agree that keeping 30 students on task isn't easy, but I'm sure you'll find your own style that works for you. I'm excited to see and hear from you in class next week! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! (:

  3. Oh My Gosh! I had 30 students too! It is very hard to keep them on task and listening, but you will eventually get them under your control. Teaching really is a hard job and we need eyes in the back of our heads so we can see everywhere. I am glad your experience was good for you. It amazes me in the short amount of time we are there how well we get to know the students and it is so fun!

  4. We had 32 students in our class....it really is hard to keep them on task! I felt like we hardly had any management issues, but keeping that many eyes focused on what you're doing is truly difficult. You're not alone! :)

  5. I love that you recognized that connecting with the students really made such a big difference. It can make or break your day to day with them. Having them on your side can come in handy more than we might realize. Yes we are a teacher, but if we are personal with them and become trustworthy of them we have done more than some teachers ever will. Sounds like you had a great time in the field!
