Saturday, November 23, 2013

3rd Week

Describe your teaching day.

Ridgeline really is the best school, the other teachers, the students everyone was so friendly and helpful in our field learning experiences. The only downside to this week was that we only got to teach once instead of all week... I really do love teaching it just makes the whole day just wonderful. Our observer gave us another wonderful review of our second lesson.

Describe your favorite part of the day.

My favorite part of the day this week would have to be helping the student I am working with that is not within the necessary zone of proximal development standards. It was a blast to be teaching one on one with a student that I have the opportunity of helping have a better understanding of the material that she was struggling with.

What went well, what didn't work and what did you change?

The students were able to warm up to us a little more than the previous week which was nice,  I know about maybe 20% of their names but still don't feel like I know them as well as I wish I had. However I have had a wonderful time thus far. What didn't work would have to be having enough time for our lesson plan on tuesday, we ran out of time and instead of having them do the assessment we had for them to do we sent it home as homework. Really getting the timing just right is one struggle I wish I could master.

To help your students you would...

To help the students in the classroom I found it to be most helpful to give them feedback on their persuasive writing essays, which were quite wonderful of the ones that I had the opportunity to read. They really are brilliant students, there was a student that started her essay on why we shouldn't eat turkeys with saying "Do you want to be a cliche again this year?" Like really, CLICHE! I wouldn't even be smart enough to start an essay in such a brilliant way. They really do amaze me with their abilities.


  1. hahah Piper I love this! That essay about not eating turkeys is awesome!!!! :) :) My 5th graders at Scera Park Elementary are did the same essay!!! I was also super impressed by their vocabulary and the reasons they came up with for not eating turkey!! 5th graders are hilarious!! :) I feel so lucky to have been able to work with them!! :)

  2. Piper, you got to teach every day? That is so awesome, I am sure you got lots of great experience. I only taught 5 lessons, but they were so much fun. I was amazed by the students as well, their essays sound so cute. I would love to have had the opportunity to read some funny essays.
