Friday, November 8, 2013

First Lesson Done.. About a Bazillion More to Go

So basically I am so incredibly grateful to be back within the classroom teaching children again. I can't imagine a better job that I could do for the rest of my existence that would fit me more and be as rewarding as being an elementary teacher. Like all of our teachers told us many times I don't ever want to leave the classroom I am in.
So a brief description of this week. On Wednesday and Thursday Rachel and I spent the majority of the time walking around the classroom helping the students individually with their questions and just getting to know the students. I loved every second of being within the classroom and within the first five minutes on Wednesday I knew that I loved all the children in my class and my cooperating teacher, and this love has grown even more since then. I know I will have the hardest time at the end of the month leaving this class.
I have already learned so much from my cooperating teacher. She is by far one of the best teachers I have ever worked with in my life. She has such control over the students and is able to make every lesson so fun and memorable. You can tell that she loves the each and every student individually and as a whole class, and you can also tell that the students love her too. I hope to one day be as awesome as a teacher as her.
Okay now for the good stuff. Today Rachel and I team-taught our first lesson, and it went fantastic despite a student throwing up towards the end of our lesson. It was a good learning experience to overcome the "leaves" of teaching as Axel would put it. Our cooperating teacher seemed very impressed by our lesson, which makes me 10 billion times more excited to teach again on Monday. Basically, Rachel and I will be teaching at least one lesson everyday and sometimes even two lessons. I am so excited to learn and grow from this experience.
One last story. So today a student came up to me, who knows about my obsession with owls, and says she has a gift for me. She then holds out a book mark with an owl on it that says "owl keep your place". SO CUTE! I have never received a greater present in my life and I will possibly cherish this bookmark for ever. So if you couldn't tell I love field and the teachers back at UVU just might have to drag me back to their classes.


  1. Way to go! I am so impressed that you guys have had the opportunity to teach so often already. I am jealous! I am ready to teach but the teacher is holding us off for a bit. I am glad to hear you are learning so much from such a great teacher.

  2. I'm so glad to read how much you loved field. It can be a great experience. I'm glad your lesson went so well except for the sick child:( Good for you in being able to teach your lessons. Good luck and keep enjoying it.

  3. So cute! It sounds like you are having a good time! I agree with's going to be hard to go back to class! I'm sorry a kid threw up...I'm sure that was an interesting first lesson to teach! ;)
