Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I can't believe it's over already!

Time sure flies, I truly can't believe that field is already over. It feels like I was just walking into the classroom for the first time just yesterday! The most challenging part of field was getting the students to truly see you as an authoritative figure. I feel like at the beginning they viewed both of us as just a helper, but I think by the end they knew we were teachers too and gave us the proper respect we deserved. Another thing that was semi difficult during field was trying to keep the chatter to a minimum during our lessons. They never talked over or were ever really loud. There would just be side conversations going on about our lesson, but still during it.

Honestly, I don't know if I had a greatest experience while teaching. I loved every part of it, but if I had to choose it was each time I was able to sit down with a student within the class and help him or her understand a concept. To see the smile on their face when they understood the subject is just one of the greatest feelings in the whole world. Other things would be when I got the chance to eat lunch and play at recess with the children. I feel like at these moments I was able to grow so close to the children where they began to trust me, which is so huge in teaching.

Recommendations for people who start field would be at the beginning super hard and firm with the kids. This lets them know that you are their teacher and they must give you respect. I feel like for most of us first time field experience student teachers classroom management is our main struggle. My cooperating teacher told us that if we just make sure to show them that we are in charge (of coarse not being mean in any way, but being by having a "loving sternness") then the rest of the time will run so much smoother with the kids.

I just have to say one more time how much I loved and enjoyed field. This has been one of the greatest experiences like ever! I cannot wait to get back and hear about your experiences in your classroom in more depth! :)


  1. I can't believe field is over either! Where did those three weeks go?! - I agree that my favorite part of my day was getting to spent one-on-one time with the students, growing trusting bonds with them while helping them to learn and grow! I spent time with a young shy boy, working on his long division, and feel that I was really able to connect with him and help him to finally really understand and get how to divide! - Best feeling in the world! (:

  2. I agree with you- talking to you one on one definitely built their trust! I felt like that was super important for me in my class as well. When I talked to the kids about non-school related things, they viewed me as a friend they could trust. Can't wait to hear more stories!
