Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pre-Field Jitters!

Hey Everyone, I am so excited to go into field. My co operating teacher is amazing and so willing to accomodate my requirements, I think she will be amazing to work with and I think I will learn a lot! I am going into a 6th grade class which is a little intimidating for me because I have worked mostly with younger students, and I like the little ones. Who knows, maybe I will fall in love with the 6th grade. I am mostly worried that I will forget something important, like a key assignment. I will also miss seeing everyone! Good luck ladies and David, I think we are all about to have a great experience!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Even though your feeling a bit intimidated, I think you'll do great in a 6th grade classroom and have no need to worry! - Wishing you and Robyn all the best of luck! :)
