Final Post
Most Challenging:
I think the most challenging part of field was making sure that my lesson was good enough by the time I had to teach it. I am pro-procrastinator and it definitely would help to get better at preparing ahead of time. Also feeling confident that my lesson will help them at the final year end test puts a lot of pressure on the lesson. You want to make everything you teach memorable, but that can be very expensive and time consuming. Finding a good balance is one thing I hope to work on and get better at as I continue learning.
My Greatest Success:
Was the love and joy I received from the class. I knew I was interested in being a teacher, but after seeing the students faces light up when they understood a problem brought it to a whole new level. Being able to even come up with my own lesson was a great accomplishment to me, and it got me really excited to expand my creativity in my future classroom and see what fun lessons I can come up with. I know for sure that teaching is what I want to do and that it is going to be a great place for me.
My Recommendations:
I think being first semester students we think we have to have it all figured out and have to be perfect. We have to remember we are just starting out and learning. Take the time to observe, and listen to any advice that teachers give you. Having confidence in our self will make a huge difference. Also, I think we need to learn to limit ourselves. Dr. Jay told us already that we need to remember it is just a lesson in our unit plan as a whole. We can do great things already, but we have to keep growing.
I realized I needed to take more time to get comfortable with the lesson plans before teaching. It is hard to go up in front of a class and explain a concept when you have only re learned it an hour ago. We are definitely learning a lot this semester!